We envision offering all types of desserts on our platform and making those with specific tastes accessible and customizable. You won't be limited anymore by your particular needs or dietary choices.
Browse local businesses and their full menu, including daily specials and other limited items, without feeling like you're missing out by shopping online.
Tailor each item to your needs, whether it's allergies, dietary restrictions or just to your tastes.
Securely place orders for either pick-up or delivery with our straightforward and transparent order process.
Unlike many online food ordering platforms that prefer standardization, we focus on customization and embrace making every order unique.
We work closely with dessert shops and bakeries to ensure you have the full range of options available for your orders. We know that every detail matters, no matter how small.
We want to connect our community with the amazing group of small businesses around them. Sometimes the best things are hidden in plain sight.
We know that it can be intimidating to make complex orders online. Our app makes sure that you exactly know what you're getting every time.
Keep up with us via email. Get the first scoop on special offers, chances to beta test new features, and everything else related to Desserts App!